Imām Ibn Al-Jāwzi رحمه الله said:
"A woman is a person who has obligations like a man.
She must therefore seek knowledge on what is obligatory for her, so that she may be knowledgeable about it.
If she has a father, brother, husband or mahram to teach her her obligations and how to perform her obligations and duties, then that is sufficient for her.
And if she doesn't have it, she questions and she learns.
And if she can learn from a woman who is knowledgeable, let her learn from her.
Or else, let her learn from the shûyukh and the elders without isolating herself with them and being content with what is necessary.
And when something happens to him in his religion, let him ask about it without being ashamed or shy] for Allah is not ashamed of the truth.
Nissa wama yata laqu bihin page 132.