Imām Ibn Hāzm رحمه الله said:
"And love has signs which the awakened notice and the rational follow.
The first : the addiction of the gaze because the gaze is the door of the extroverted soul, it is what expresses what it contains and betrays the interior, you will see his loving gaze not flinch: it moves with the movement of his beloved, it bends to him, like the chameleon and the sun, and in this I say these verses of poetry:
My eyes find no rest anywhere but in you...
As if you were made of a precious sea stone.
I direct them where you direct them and, in the same way...
That you turn, like the adjective and the noun in grammar.
And among these : hurrying to the place where he is, hastening to sit down near him, neglecting the obligatory occupations which distance you from him, neglecting every excuse which incites you to separate yourself from his company, and being slow when it comes to leaving: and in this I quote these verses:
When I stand next to you, I only walk...
Like a captive led to death.
Coming towards you, I hurry like the moon...crossing the sky.
And when I get up, if I do, it's like the stars...
High and fixed, in their slowness.
Tawq Al-Hamamāh page 78-80.