التحذير من التكلف في قراءة القرآن الكريم
التحذير من التكلف في قراءة القرآن الكريم
التحذير من التكلف في قراءة القرآن الكريم La mise en garde contre l’exagération dans la récitation du noble Qur’an
De Shaykh ‘Abd Al-Mûhsin Ibn Mûhammād Al-Qāssim, qui a rassemblé les preuves du Qur’an et de la Sûnnāh ainsi que les paroles des savants sur la facilité de la récitation du Qur’an, et la mise en garde contre l’embellissement excessif dans la récitation.
Certaines personnes se sont éloignées de la facilité dans la récitation du Qur’an avec laquelle le Prophète ﷺ, les 4 califes bien guidée et ses compagnons, récitaient le Qur’an.
Et ils ont remplacé cette récitation en la rendant difficile à réciter et à apprendre, ce qui contredit la sagesse et la miséricorde d’Allāh.
Allāh عزوجل dit :
{Et Nous avons rendu le Qur’an facile à mémoriser}
Sourate Al-Qamār, verset 22.
Édition officielle
89 Pages
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Book excerpts
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🎀 Excerpt from the book [The Exhibition of Women]
Shaykha Ni'māt Sidqi رحمها الله said: "It is difficult for the carefree woman to hide her artificial beauty. Nothing hurts her more than not being able to seduce people with...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [The Exhibition of Women]
Shaykha Ni'māt Sidqi رحمها الله said: "It is difficult for the carefree woman to hide her artificial beauty. Nothing hurts her more than not being able to seduce people with...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Woman and what concern...
Imām Ibn Al-Jāwzi رحمه الله said: "A woman is a person who has obligations like a man. She must therefore seek knowledge on what is obligatory for her, so that...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Woman and what concern...
Imām Ibn Al-Jāwzi رحمه الله said: "A woman is a person who has obligations like a man. She must therefore seek knowledge on what is obligatory for her, so that...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Advice to Muslim Women...
Ûmm 'Abdillal Al-Wadi'yyah حفظها الله said: "They, the Sahabiyyat, learned the science & the ahadith of the Prophet and memorized them as conscientiously as men in order to be well-guided...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Advice to Muslim Women...
Ûmm 'Abdillal Al-Wadi'yyah حفظها الله said: "They, the Sahabiyyat, learned the science & the ahadith of the Prophet and memorized them as conscientiously as men in order to be well-guided...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [A Guide for Spouses] د...
Shaykh Ibn Al-'Uthāymin رحمه الله said: "Therefore, delaying the marriage of the suitable man or woman causes much corruption and vast evil in society, and rushing to marry suitable suitors:...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [A Guide for Spouses] د...
Shaykh Ibn Al-'Uthāymin رحمه الله said: "Therefore, delaying the marriage of the suitable man or woman causes much corruption and vast evil in society, and rushing to marry suitable suitors:...