الدماء الطبيعية
الدماء الطبيعية
الدماء الطبيعية Recueil de fatawa au sujet des écoulements de sang des femmes [règles, lochies, métrorragies]
Ce livre est une compilation d’avis juridique de plusieurs savants sur tout ce qui tourne autour des différents jugements sur des situations bien précises liés aux 3 types de sang qui touchent une femme : les menstrues, les métrorragies ainsi que les lochies.
Nous retrouvons les savants suivants :
• Shaykh Ibn Bāz
• Shaykh Ibn Salih Al-‘Uthāymin
• Shaykh Al-Albāni
• Shaykh ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Humāyd
• Le comité permanent de l’Ifta
Un livre essentiel à avoir pour une femme souhaitant s’éduquer sur ce sujet et savoir ce qu’elle peut ou ne peut pas faire dans certains circonstances.
Ce livre convient même à un homme, qui doit pouvoir éduquer sa femme ou sa famille sur ce sujet.
Édition Dar Al-Daiyāh
Format de poche
142 Pages
Peu de harakat
Book excerpts
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🎀 Excerpt from the book [The Exhibition of Women]
Shaykha Ni'māt Sidqi رحمها الله said: "It is difficult for the carefree woman to hide her artificial beauty. Nothing hurts her more than not being able to seduce people with...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [The Exhibition of Women]
Shaykha Ni'māt Sidqi رحمها الله said: "It is difficult for the carefree woman to hide her artificial beauty. Nothing hurts her more than not being able to seduce people with...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Woman and what concern...
Imām Ibn Al-Jāwzi رحمه الله said: "A woman is a person who has obligations like a man. She must therefore seek knowledge on what is obligatory for her, so that...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Woman and what concern...
Imām Ibn Al-Jāwzi رحمه الله said: "A woman is a person who has obligations like a man. She must therefore seek knowledge on what is obligatory for her, so that...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Advice to Muslim Women...
Ûmm 'Abdillal Al-Wadi'yyah حفظها الله said: "They, the Sahabiyyat, learned the science & the ahadith of the Prophet and memorized them as conscientiously as men in order to be well-guided...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [Advice to Muslim Women...
Ûmm 'Abdillal Al-Wadi'yyah حفظها الله said: "They, the Sahabiyyat, learned the science & the ahadith of the Prophet and memorized them as conscientiously as men in order to be well-guided...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [A Guide for Spouses] د...
Shaykh Ibn Al-'Uthāymin رحمه الله said: "Therefore, delaying the marriage of the suitable man or woman causes much corruption and vast evil in society, and rushing to marry suitable suitors:...
🎀 Excerpt from the book [A Guide for Spouses] د...
Shaykh Ibn Al-'Uthāymin رحمه الله said: "Therefore, delaying the marriage of the suitable man or woman causes much corruption and vast evil in society, and rushing to marry suitable suitors:...